sharing web research

Hello every one

I would like to share with all of you the organizations that i have chosen to subscribe too, the first one was Zero to three organization,  and the second is Head start through i have also made two other subscription so i would be able to have as much information i ca about early childhood issues. I’am interested in the Zero to three organization because it had a great mission and goal that it is holistic toward child care, the zero to three organization mission is to provide parents , professional,policy makers with the knowledge and the know how to nurture early childhood development and issuer that all children from infant to toddler have a reliable start in life. The organization attends to many issues in concern to young children and families that include mental health, langue literacy development , and the cultural impact on child development.

The Head start organization is interested in promoting school redness fro children of low income families through their local community agencies , and they support children and their families from infant to five years old with programs and education services that include mental, social, emotional,development and responsive serves to the cultural, ethnic and linguistic back ground. As i  was browsing through the zero to three cite i was interred by a topic that they discussed which was the effects of poverty on children’s school redness and their development, the issues is very serious and it effects children’s language learning ability, memory , emotional control the topic is vast and very vital for the issue of children’s school redness, i believe that these organizations are very important for our Nichiren and the fact that they are so interested in children’s needs gives me hope for a better future.

The international organization that i chose is the Association fro childhood education international which is “charitable organization, is interested in sharing new approaches to the education of children and ensuring that these approaches are delivered in ways that enhance children’s individual skills and abilities and provide opportunities for success in life.


References (May have to use )
(Newsletter: )

Association for Childhood Education International

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