reflecting on learnning

I found that  anti bias information education to be a wholesome educational process as it dose provide children with knowledge to be and skills to face different life situation as it helps children to develop a healthy seance of social and self identity, be aware of fairness and justice and the likelihood that the child will grow up to be a positive building force in society  and it would be a great scene of achievement to fee that i could be a part of this. My hopes is that with my knowledge and skills i will be able to empower these children to become just, fair, intelligent, and productive members of society.

I like to thank  all my class mates for all their productive responses and fro sharing their experience which in turn enriched my knowledge since some of them are already in the education field i wish all of you the best hope to see you in the next course.




Impacts on Early Emotional Development the Syrian criss


For this blog assignment i chose to go to the middle east region as it is my mother country and i wanted to discusses the Syrian crises as an example of how war and crises affects the emotional development of children under war. It has been always a sensitive emotional processes for me to talk about any child going through any type of damage that will affect their emotional and physical developmental what has been going on in Syria for the last five years or so has been a devastating situation fro all Syrian children.

The UNICEF has been trying to provide support to most of these children but the war left millions of children homeless, uneducated , and with no chance of getting and care or services wither it was ECE or higher school education the UNICEF found that ” families interviewed in areas where conflict is the heaviest, 98 per cent reported signs of profound psychological and emotional distress in their children.35 Young children are more likely to have nightmares, wet their beds or regress in their normal development. Older children, particularly adolescents, share their younger siblings’ fear and loneliness, but they are more likely to experience frustration, anger and shame.36 Loss of dignity was a common theme for young people, whose lives have been turned upside down. Boys were particularly vulnerable, and almost half as likely to admit difficult feelings to friends and family.37 One in five teenagers surveyed inside Syria reported such high frustration at their family circumstances” (

Instead of enrolling in preschool programs or having joyful and  happy of early school years  Syrian children  recall booms, death, losing parents, school and their country it is heat breaking to read, listen, and watch what the Syrian child is going through for more than five years as a mother of three children i wish that i could be the mother of all the Syrian children. There are” Two million children without regular access to aid • More than 200,000 children living under siege • 2.4 million children forced to flee to neighboring countries • Children recruited to fight from as young as seven years of age Four year-old Khaled was resting in his bedroom ” ( This is a heart breaking number and what is the world doing to stop it nothing. Though I am not qualified to draw a conclusion on the emotional state these children might be in i can speculate that they must be suffering from emotional distress, depression , anxiety and many other emotional issues which any child should not be experiencing but unfortunately this is the reality of the Syrian child .



Click to access SYRIA5Y-REPORT-12-MARCH.pdf

The Sexualization of Early Childhood

It is very difficult for me as a parent to actually think that my nine years old might be subjected to sexual ideas behaviors at such an early age i do agree with Dr. Liven that sexuality is something natural to all humans but it should be experienced at the right time and by the right person. Children are going to be always curious about sex and sexuality it is human nature but it is the role of parents and educators to provide an age appropriate information on the topic though this is great it is challenged with all the media and the toy market that provide children with ideas about what is prity and how it makes people happy or what is considered sexy or not , the other day i had my first experience with this topic and i was very confused in how to handle it my nine year old son came and told me that what does it mean to be sexy  i asked him why he said that one of the boys who is in the football team was talking to one of the cheerleaders and she told him that one of the other cheerleaders is going to make him a banner i guess that is a thing i do not know much about football nor heartrending any ways the boy answered the girl is that cheerleader sexy , i was was so surprised he is nine what does he know about sexy  i have always though yes tat this age they are interested in sexual information it is natural normal but to actually go after the criteria of sexy at nine no a big no in my opinion .

Children are being subjected to many influence that might influence their sexuality like ids shows that discuses dating, looks, wight, dressing  to make boys and girls look attractive to each other and ultimately make them interested in each other  and make them happy . Another example is music lyrics that are accompanied with music videos  done by teen and young children that include sexual content or subliminal massages on what is sexy like what is worn in the video or the words of the song . another influence can be some of the toys that are available in the market fro both girls and boys, peer influence were the children feel pressure for their friends to look,act , and wear certain cloth to be be attractive and ultimately happy with them self.

As a parent of children from both genders I am worried about what my children are subjected to from the media or the outside word so i try my best to eliminate any influence that might not be age appropriate whether is was from the television shows that they are not allowed to watch, i also try an not introduce pop music to my children only age appropriate songs though i know that their friends parents are not as proactive as i am which might influence my children but the most important factor in this equation in my opinion is having a very trust worthy relationship with your child so they can back to the parent and share concern’s , experiences, and inquiries it will differently help the children develop in an age appropriate environment.

The role of an educator is the same as the parent it is as important therefor educators must be have the skills and ability to handle any situation and also be able to provide the child with the correct age appropriate information on sexuality as it is a normal developing milestone in any child growth experience therefore having a healthy positive understanding of sexuality will help children develop a healthy self image and confidence that will reflect on their adult hood relationships in my opinion .


Evaluating impacts

In the case that i would personally experiencing any sort of ism as an early childhood educator it would effect me emotionally but since i already have experience before hand with such situation being a female immigrant from a middle eastern background equips me with an advantage . this advantage is the ability to  disconnect between my ability to perform my job as an educator and to the isms i am experience as it is important not to transfer these feeling to the children since it might affect their understanding and interaction with me as their educator.

though i know it is some what hard to actually separate between the feeling and emotions of isms and carrying them to ones work i believe it is possible as i know many individuals that do for example my brother who is a psychiatrist for the United States veterans  experienced a first hand prejudice from one  his patient when the patient new that he was an Arab Muslim he told him that he heats all Arabs and Muslims and does not wants to be treated by him  my brother handled it is a very positive manner and made the patient understand that it was his right and that it is not a problem and he continues to work with many veterans that do openly inform him that they do not like Arabs but as a doctor he can not mix his personal feeling with the well being of his patents and i believe if i would be put in the same situation i would react in the same manner since we both already have experience in situations of ism toward us.



nurmeen alrashdan