
Dear friends

it is always a great pleasure to have your company in any class or to meet new friends i have learned so much from each of you and appreciated the feed back from all of you too. This class has helped me to grow as an individual and improve my communication skills as team member or in communicating with others i actually found myself to pay attention to more important cues and signs that would help improve my relationships at work and at home through improving my communication skills. I wish all of you the best and hope to see some if not all of you in the next course it will be a great comfort fro me it feels like we have become such good friends even with out meeting in person.



In many cases it is hard to say goodbye to individuals you get to know very well or work closely, in my case it was very hard for me to leave my group of friends that i had grow up with and say good bye when i moved to the United states fro a teenager it was very hard not to be able to see my three best friends as i was every day as they lived in the same neighborhood i lived in some what we where neighbors we spent every day together in school ,after school, going out  we did every thing together and leaving them was very hard. MY travel date was of course set so we all knew it so that week was very sad full of tears, hugs, don’t forget me, call me, email me we were very depressed.


It mad it very hard the morning of my flight as my friends said they would come  early to say goodbye but they did not they called me and said it was too hard for them to say that they were sorry they did not want to go through the pain , it was hard fro all of us since we had known that it will be difficult to come back soon since we had to start our new hoem in the states.

To me the goodbyes were very bad but was worse is when i went back years later i found that my friend had changed and that is why they did not email me or call me aging thingd happen in life and every thing changes but that was my experience of adjourning it was not pleasant but it could be related to age and that i had no experience in life as i treat the situation differently now.


In most situations i try to avoid conflict but i am a type of individual who likes to help and step in if i see some one in need and that can some times get me in a conflict with others and in this case this is what happened. I was a a birthday party with my nine year old son and most of his classmates were their one of the boys there is known to be very mean towards the others and he was he was calling them names , hitting , pushing , saying unappropriated things and comments it was very disturbing the boy was not accompanied by and adult in the party they had drooped him off and left. during the sitting and eating time of the party the boy started to talk to other children in the party not from his class and say racily offensive comments so i felt it is my place as an adult to make him stop , so i ask him to ” stop saying mean things and be nice ” and that is exactly what i said . It might have been wrong from me to interfere as my husband and others told me but i felt it was the right ting to do the boys mother called me after the party and she was very upset and said that her son came home crying and that why was i bullying her child what is my problem , and then she said why do i have a problem with a nine years old it was very shocking fro me because the boy art the party did not even care and kept going playing and laughing even so i was surprised then he actually told his mother a different story , my thought when the mother called that i did not want this situation to go out of hand so i said to her very comely though she was yelling ” my dear i am sorry if he felt this way and tha was not my intention i apologize about that i did not mean it i though that he said something bad so i just wanted the him to stop so i just acted as any mother present would and i would do the some if some one did it to her son” she calmed down immediately but still was not happy and told me that i should not have interfered i said to her am sorry that she felt that way and that her son felt that way but i think i did the right thing but i apologize about how i mad him feel since it was not my intention the phone call ended by her saying that she does not agree but accepted the apology and we hung up.


I don’t know if what i did or how i reacted with the mother was a good conflict resolution method but i hope it was any thought from you guys.