Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

Gender identity and sexual orientation is a very sensitive topic in the community i grow up in it is some what a taboo never to be talked about or discussed in public or even between friends. The only time this topic would be open is when marriage time is close though at that time every one has some knowledge about it in some way to some extent. Personally i was always very interested in the topic I think because it was not talked about so much in the family nor in the community so around the age of 13 or so I started to read watch documentaries on non Arabic channels that would address the issue and that is how I learned about the topic , my parents never spoke to any of us about it except when they wanted to make sure that me and my sisters would behave in the appropriate female way and my  broth would carry out male behavior pattern.

In the community that i grow up in homosexuality was consider a  taboo and until this time no one can  come out and live their live freely as a homosexual in the Arabic world, this cultural view has a very big influence on my upbringing which influenced my ability to accept individuals who are homosexual yet at the same time i struggle since i do know that this is not the correct way of thinking and every time i come across this idea in my head i  remind my self that every one has the freedom to chose to their way of life and the way they live their life. I think  this is a great example of how cultural group influence on my cultural identity and how i chose to eliminate and reject  those ideas that i have gained through my cultural socialization.

I believe that if i would have ever encountered a situation as a early childhood professional i would have to be able to explained how families are different in their shapes, numbers, genders but the important part is that love  and support each family gives to their child. In addition i do not believe that any one s sexual orientation is an indication to their professional ability to be an educator and if i would ever confront a situation were a parent or guardian would refuse to have their child in the car of a homosexual educator i would first try to explain my point of view and if that does not work i would suggest that the parent take their child to a place they would feel more conferrable in as their is so reason for such hostility toward the educator if they are preforming their job as they  supposed to. it is these feeling of rejecting what is different and what we are not used too that is making the world so dangerous now and  so many wars and killings my hope and wishes is to have a world were we all treat each other on a human basis and love, respect, and support each other as humans.


Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.