professional hopes and goals

My professional hope would be as i would work with diverse families that i would be be able t have the open mind set after taking this course and utilizing all the knowledge and tools i have acquire from this course and the previous courses to be personally first satisfied with my abilities, and strategies that will help me gain the trust, confidence, comfort from both child and parents . this curse have allowed me to better understand my self uncover my own microaggression, isms in hopes that i would be able to avoid and even totally not make them though that is in my opinion in impossible as it is some what of an unconscious action.

  My main goal is to be a  diversity advocate, and ally for children and their families help with improving the changes that have been made on the issues of diversity in the education system. Additionally i wish to become an active participant in the  legislation or laws considering diversity in diversity.

  It was a great pleasure to have all of you in this class and to learn about you all each one of you had great input on each topic and i have learned a great deal from each of you and as always i wish all of you the best hope to see you guys in future classes.


welcoming families from around the world

The country that i have chosen is Indonesia and i would prepare my self as an educator in the five fallowing possible ways:

1- i would research the language spoken in the country and to say simple words such as greeting words of water, help , and so on that might be helpful to the new student and make them feel comfortable.

2- i would translate important information that the family might need to help ease their transition to the new culture and school.

3- I would do research about Indonesian culture in general, family culture , and the family structure in Indonesia as it might differ from the on in the united states to guide me through what would be the appropriate and more affection manner to deal with the family and student.

4- Learn about about the education system in Indonesia as it might differ than the united states so i would be able to minimize the difference for the student and therefor ease the stress of coming in to a new school system.

5- introduce the new students country and culture to the class through the curriculum in activities to help introduce the student to the other classmates and ease the socializing process at the same time.

I hope that these process would help the family and i become more comfortable with communicating with each other for the students interest in hope to help the student transition more easily in to the new atmosphere and system with some support from home and school, and to make the family and the student feel that they are accepted and appreciated in the school and by the teacher.

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression


few years age i was at a grociery shop standing on line to pay and infront of me was two individules one was asian and behind him a white male, the asian male had three cases of water as the store had a sle going on fro them s the person on teh regester sid to the gentelmen that he needed to get another case if he wants to buy it according to sale price it seemed that the gentelman did not understand teh chasier very well i dont know why i could eb sh ewas talking too fast or that he did not know english well but the situatin took about five mints long . At that tiem the white male behaind him started to get upset becouse it was taking tiem for hi mto understand teh store offer and startedto say out loud ” hey why dont learn how to speak english, go bacjk to your country if you cant speak english” this made me so upser tough the asian gentelman ignored him he kepet stying these words including using profanity with it.

AT that time every one in the store was very upset of what he was saying because i could hear people saying that but no one said any thing so i decided i would not be a bystanders and walked to him and said that he should stop it and stop say ignorant insulating comments about other people and if he thinks that man should go back to his country so should he since this country was not his any ways from the start. Of course the man looked at me and i said to him what do you want to say something to me too or t any one else in the store but he kept quite and paid left the store other people said to me good fro you that i stood up fro some one else.


I chose to stand up fro my self and for the other person maybe because i felt that this could have happened to my mother of father or some one i know and i it made me feel furious, i believe if we as individuals stand up fro each other and help each other there would be no prejudice, oppression, social inequality. I believe that being a bystander is not the solution to say it is not my business is not the solution’s we should all work together to make this society a better place fro our children t o show our children by example how to reject these unwanted actions in hope that one day they would not have to go through any of them.

