final blog



Hello every one


thought i have not mad any contact with any one i did enjoy going through the websites of each country and discover that some issues and trends are some what smellier to the ones in the united states but different in other ways. i think i should have stated my own personal experience on ECE programs since i my self attended one outside the united states and my children did to there for i wanted to mention that to some extant at least in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, from my experience there is a huge demand on early childhood programs that offer high quality services to children but unfortunately they are all in the privet sector and the government shower no interest in providing any program’s that are smellier to head start though Saudi is perfectly capable to do so unlike Jordan were they might face some economical problem to finance that.  i hope that every country in the world would understand the importance of ECE programs and try to offer is to children though this might be some what close to unrealistic wish.



getting to know you international contacts part 3

Hello every one

Unfortunately no answer from any of the international contacts so i had t use the other options for the assignment. as i go through the UNSCO website there is infraction on equity and quality concerning ECE in different parts of the world.

The cite additionally had articles discus the different issues i relation to ECE such as the one discussing the one talking about ECE development in the working force. The other article discusses the development of ECE curriculum as there is a need of finding the balance between the required balance so and the actual needs of the child.

There is also another site that is discussing the important part of teh cite that it is discussing the issues relating to finance and there for i beilve that it is very interesting to log in each article

nurmeen al arshdan

sharing web resources

Hello every one

fro this assignment i chose to write about Zero to Three because i really like this cite and they do have so much information to early child hood field fro example when i went through the cite i found a section fro watching videos and these videos had information in helping parents use the appropriate methods to deal with children and understand what a child might be going through in that developmental stage.  I believe this is a great resource since parenting plays the main role in developing the child’s personality i personal loved it it was very helpful yes i knew the information but seeing the video just gave me reassurance.

As for going through the website more there is a care and education tab where one can find information that has connection to early child care and school reediness which is basically what we have been talking about in the course of accessibility in the manner of providing parents with the information about child care and help them with the process by an organization such as Zero to Three.

Though this weeks e- newsletter did not include per say any topic of equity but is did discusses child development and the behavioral issues that might rise from birth to three years old and it is full of information but if one really would like information about school readiness and how to chose quality child care then there is much information on it.

The insight that i gained from the website is from the preschool prep about how to prepare your child to preschool and they offer advice about how to introduce your child to preschool, how to make the transition easy and fun and much more. This falls under the idea of educating and helping parents with preschool care and allowing them to become more comfortable with the early child care it was a very helpful information since i also want to send my youngest to preschool but i have some doubts but after reading i think this might help both me and my child find the process easier.

